Epocrates application will have two major releases, a desktop one and another one designed for mobile embedded devices. As proved so far, there are more possible architectures that can accommodate this goal. The most appropriate solution in this situation would be to integrate much of the logic of Epocrates into a database layer and leave the application objects to do what's left of this job and their interface objects as well. If the domain of common desktop applications is tinker's news and therefore not necessary to insist on it, the Epocrates Mobile lies in a relative new area of the high technology informational world.
The developments in wireless communication, distributed systems, and increases in the power and interactive capabilities of hand-held and portable devices, provide us with the possibility to have wide-ranging and continual access to computing resources in a variety of contexts. These technological changes make increasing demands on the quality of the user interface and offer the potential to further progress the functionality of computing devices.
Starting 2001, every year one University in the world is host of the Workshop in Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices. In an article presented by Peter Johnson [16] , he identifies three scenarios of use in the medical field.