E-Learning history

Thus, E-earning domain directly resulted from the development of communication techniques and started its popularity since 1980'. E-Learning is an approach to facilitate and enhance learning through both computer and communications technology. The term covers a wide set of applications and processes underneath the domains of Web-based learning, computer-based learning, On-line Learning and Distance Education (which includes delivery through audio and videotape, Television, P.D.A.s, M3 Players, and Mobile Phones and others). E-Learning includes the delivery of content of courses and lessons via Internet, intranet/extranet (LAN/WAN), optical devices (ex: DVD-R/WR). At the beginning, the term of E-Learning had been presented as the method of course-based teaching also known as CBT, representing generally the term of receiving knowledge with the computer assistance. The delivery of the information is performed by different means like compact discs or local networks
So the first appearance of the E-Learning was in the form of CBT, also called computer-assisted instruction (CAI); this kind of learning is a special type of education in which the students learn by following in execution special training programs on a computer assisted by a teacher. CBT is especially effective for training people to use computer applications because the CBT program can be integrated with the applications so that students can practice using the application as they learn. Methods for CBT include tutorials, simulations, job aids, games, and others. Also another form of CBT can be considered a tutorial, in which the student/user of the application is trainee how to use it receiving instructions and necessary information from the computer. In this case, there is no need of assistance from a professor; the assistance is being given directly from the computer.

Another type of E-Learning in its way of developing, started from the CBT, it's the Web-based training or WBT which is actually also a computer based-training but the information is delivered through the Internet, using a User Interface made available through the Web Browser. One of the characteristics typical for this Web-based training is specific methods of communication like chat-rooms, video-conferences, and other methods typical for the communication over Internet. The term of E-learning refers nowadays especially to this area of web-based training being under the umbrella of the Distance Education and On-Line Learning.