E-Learning characteristics

Why is the E-learning form of school so useful and what could be the reasons for someone to join this kind of learning? In the next paragraphs the main points and benefits will be enchased.
Another way of putting into words the term of E-learning System (or Virtual Education System) consists in a planned activity and experience two-dimensional of learning-teaching, organized by an institution or company which provides in a computer-based system materials in a sequential and ordered logic, designated for students in a proper manner, involving no constraint upon the synchronization between teachers and students, and upon a certain calendar of presence. As expressed above, the delivery of information can be performed by technologies of transmitting the content of information over the Internet (as E-Learning can be viewed as Web-based Training delivery)

The introduction and usage of the internet triggered the appearance of this paradigm into the scene of modern activities and processes. On the basis of the factors like technological development, new pedagogical theories and sharing the responsibilities for education between different institutions and companies, the parameters of an E-learning system are to be emphasized:
 Curricula oriented on the student needs
 Distributed resources

 Virtual facilities
 Asynchrony mode of teaching
An institution of virtual education can be defined as an institution involved in educational types activities which promote their curricula of courses to the one interested through the informatics and communication technologies
Another view of an institution of virtual education consists in an organization created based on a partner-ship with other teaching institutions to facilitate the teaching and learning without having a direct implication as a provider of educational programs.
Examples of virtual institutes include both public and private sectors having as forms the non-formal education, permanent education or perfection education.
Although there are several examples of virtual institutes in the most pure sense, the number of the E-learning activities of different forms and types, at the all levels of Educational Institutes, public or private, is numerous. The current is clear in the ascending direction of the extending of this process.
On a view now, the reducing cost is one of the deterministic factors for introducing new technologies in educational institutes. The cost of administrating a Virtual University is much lower than the traditional one's. One needs to have a good technological basis, experienced stuff and marketing involvement in some cases.
Also, the continuously growth of the capacities and flexibilities of informatics technologies that can be involved in the education process - to facilitate and simulate the functionality of traditional structures of the educational institutes-, along the constant decrease of the equipments costs lead to the appearance now of many On-Line Educational Institutes, in a word- the developing and extending of the E-Learning paradigm.
The E-Learning system has been widely developed especially those years as we are searching for more freedom and time and also availability in our society. Even if we are keen to get new information and we are totally eager to receive it and to "compile" it so that it could be useful for our purposes, in our work fields or personal life, we must take into consideration the fact that the way this information is directed to us has a major impact upon us.
The method of \"E-learning\" comes as an alternative to the basic method of studying and accumulating information-the popular one- which involves frequency to courses, the presence of a professor which tries to offer explanation to his students.
The major difference between the two systems has been studied by sociologists, who reached in fact some conclusions: there is a tendency among people, no matter of their age, to prefer joining E-Learning courses for subjects they want to learn or improve their knowledge in the field. Also, they can set the way in which information will be exposed and also, the information quantity.
Thus, the subject of E-Learning platforms comes today in the light of attention, in front of everyone, being in a way or other student or professor. The list of major reason lines of encouraging the E-Learning System usability are described bellow:
1. In the first place, the conversion of the cultural content from the whole world into a digital form can be seen often nowadays, leading to a major availability of anyone to reach any information. This is the role played by the Internet and Wide Area Networks, connecting for examples students to large digital libraries. Thus, the isolation seem to disappear, making place to generalization and border-free systems of accumulating knowledge.
2. In the second place, there are developed multiple ways of representing the information, to simulate interactions and expressing ideas. The whole development of software and hardware tools lead to a wide range of expressing the content of the information and the teachers reach new expectations by trying to present the content of the courses. The software tools allow the teachers to present the information in various and attractive way, despite the manipulation of verbal language as an express modality.
3. In the third place, people are getting more usual with handling and managing the digital information. So current abilities like to compute, write, correct, memorize, visualize, compare, selecting, discovering, associating items in the nowadays digital tools gets something usual to people no matter of age and cultural status. Thus, one can say the technologies are increasing the personal potential. Participating to a web-based course is no longer something that stress on the ability to manage the tools as described above, this aptitude become a general utilization. People are familiar now with this format of computing-based aptitudes which enlarge their personal abilities and they find the computer activities as being user-friendly.