engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

English - Racism

Introduction Racism in the USA was once blatant: slavery, segregation and lynching were all highly visible manifestations of a violent antipathy toward racial minorities by members of the white majority. Many of these racial based human rights violations were committed with the sanction or even active participation of the authorities.  &nb ...

Gangs - Young people and violence - USA

Gangs Young people and violence  Index:   A Definition Personal Experience Film – Boys in the Hood Literature – Shadow of the Dragon (Sherry Garland) Outsiders (Sue Ellen Hinton) The Chocolate War (Robert Cormier)     Common information about gangs   A gang is a group of people, especiall ...


IN 80 DAYS AROUND THE WORLD   Pieces: In 80 days around the world is a science- fiction roman , wich is set in the 19 century. The scene is laid in England and some places of the world. Phileas Fogg made a bet with his reformclub, that he travells around the world in 80 days. ...


Italy (Italian Italia), republic in southern Europe, bounded on the north by Switzerland and Austria; on the east by Slovenia and the Adriatic Sea; on the south by the Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea; on the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Ligurian Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea; and on the northwest by France. It comprises, in addition to t ...

Explained mysteries - Ghosts, Poltergeist

Explained mysteries, but still unsolved   Ghosts Ghost, nonmaterial embodiment or essence of an organism, especially of a human being. The term is sometimes used virtually as a synonym for soul or spirit, and in the Christian religion, in the form Holy Ghost (now, more often, Holy Spirit), it has a specialized meaning. More frequently ...

Exprimarea orei in engleza - gramatica

Exprimarea orei   }n limba englez[ ora se poate exprima ]n dou[ feluri: ]n vorbirea curent[, dup[ unele reguli =i ]n limbajul oficial dup[ alte reguli.   Exprimarea orei ]n vorbirea curent[   Reguli: - se consider[ cadranul ceasului ]mp[r\it ]n dou[ astfel: prima ...

Good Manners are Fun

Good Manners are Fun! Grades 2-4 Description: A classroom atmosphere is created in which students become excited about using their best manners. They practice good manners and use technology as a tool for their manners unit. Objectives: To encourage children to use good manners To teach students about proper behavior in the classroom and i ...

Grand Canyon - Immense gorge cut by the Colorado River into the high plateaus of northwestern Arizona

Grand Canyon  Immense gorge cut by the Colorado River into the high plateaus of northwestern Arizona, U.S., noted for its fantastic shapes and coloration.   The broad, intricately sculptured chasm of the Grand Canyon contains between its outer walls a multitude of imposing peaks, buttes, canyons, and ravines. It ranges in width fro ...

IRELAND - Irish Literature, Land and Resources, Rivers and Lakes, Plant and Animal Life, Climate, Ethnicity and Religion, Language, Education, Way of Life and Social Issues, Culture

IRELAND   Irish Literature, the oral and written literature of the people of Ireland, an island that today comprises the independent Ireland and Northern Ireland, which is politically part of the United Kingdom. In recent years the definition of Irish literature has been broadened to encompass literature produced ...

Irregular verbs - Tabel cu verbe neregulate

Nr. Infinitiv Trecut Participiu Teaducere   1 to abide abode abode a locui ,a sta ,a persista   2 to arise arose arisen a se ridica   3 to awake awoke awoke a se trezi   4 to be was,were been a fi   5 ...

referatele tale de nota 10

Materiale engleza

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