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Invention of the car

Invention of the car Guided Composition Write about 70 Words In what way do you think has the invention of the car changed the life? The invention of the car, changed the life. People travel by car to the holiday resorts or to work. You can move faster and in rainy weathers, it is better to drive. But we get with the invantion of cars man ...


Ireland  486 km long 280 km broadly 84500 km² 5,1 million inhabitants  Rep. Ireland    state in western europe 70273 km² 3,7 million inhabitants capital ® Dublin consists of a flatwavy Tiflande richly at lakes and moorlands many low mountain range it rains very much very many Gras ® ...

Celtic Holidays in Ireland

Celtic Holidays in Ireland Celtic Holidays in Ireland  Date Name What?/ Why? 1. and 2. February Imbolc These are the days, when the Celts honour the goddess Birgid who is the patron saint of knowledge, memory, fire and fertility. They bake bread and make butter. Imbolc is the beginning of the spring. 21. March Eleban Eile ...

Civil Rights

Civil Rights Civil Rights are given by a state to its inhabitants, for example the right to obtain employment and the right to use public facilities like trams, toilets and schools on equal terms with all other people. The term Civil Rights is closely related to minority groups in the USA, especially to black people. History: Amendment XIII ( ...

compunere in 70 de cuvinte - Invention of the car

Invention of the car Guided Composition Write about 70 Words In what way do you think has the invention of the car changed the life? The invention of the car, changed the life. People travel by car to the holiday resorts or to work. You can move faster and in rainy weathers, it is better to drive. But we get with the invantion of cars man ...

Dead Poets Society3

Dead Poets Society - Summary , Feedback Summary:   The new English teacher, at the really strict and traditional Welton Academy for boys, John Keating inspired some of his pupils so much by his fascinating lessons about poetry and the whole language that they found a secret club with the name “Dead Poets Society”. There they r ...

Discrimination, racism and xenophobia

Discrimination, racism and xenophobia Racism To intoduce my report, I want Christian to read a short information about the genocid in Rwuanda in 1994. In my opinion the Tutsi massacres are the most important example for racial violence after the second world war! I’ve devided this report in the six following parts: ....... 1. “DISCRI ...

Drugs are substances

Drugs are substances, which create/cause moods, perceptions and sensations. There are illegal drugs (hashish, cocaine and LSD) and legal drugs (alcohol and nicotine). They are distinguished by their potency in hard and soft drugs. In former times drugs were quite rare and mainly used for medical purposes. In the 60ties, however, the hippies p ...

Edinburgh - the heart of Scotland

Scotland Scotland is one of four constituent nations which form the United Kingdom. He forms the northern part of the island. Scotland is 78,768 square kilometre in area and it has 5.2 million inhabitants. The official language is English, although Gaelic is spoken, primarily in the North and West of Scotland. The Scots language, which has man ...

Ellis island

ellis islandNot everyone arriving in New York had to go to Ellis Island. Immigrants in first- and second-class were processed aboard their ships soon after docking on the mainland. Onboard exams were shorter than those on the island, since inspectors were more accepting of anyone who could afford the higher fare. Most of the immigrants who pass ...

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