Dead Poets Society3

Dead Poets Society - Summary , Feedback


The new English teacher, at the really strict and traditional Welton Academy for boys, John Keating inspired some of his pupils so much by his fascinating lessons about poetry and the whole language that they found a secret club with the name "Dead Poets Society". There they read poets to each other or made poets themselves. For all members of the club it was really important to talk about their problems, their dreams and also about unimportant things without being observed by parents or teachers.

The lessons of Mr. Keating had the result that the boys became more self-confident.

But one night there happened a horrible incident, one of the members of the club shot (down) himself because his father had forbidden him to play-act, which was the most important thing in his life.

The headmaster who had never liked Mr. Keating decided to dismiss him because the school and the parent's of the dead boy are convinced that Mr. Keating was responsible for the death of Neil Perry by his extraordinairy lessons.

The end of the story shows that Mr. Keating's lessons had been interesting and fascinating for his pupils because they all climbed up onto their desks and said good-bye to their teacher.

The headmaster was trying to stop them doing that but he wasn't able to.

Mr. Keating had to leave them but he had been the one who had helped them to develop into young men.


I liked reading the novel very much because it really shows how it was

like in an elite school only a few decades ago.

Another great aspect of the story is how the reader can identify himself with

the characters of the story and feel, for example, the unfair decisions or

treatments by teachers and parents.

Furthermore it is also shown how much pressure school and parents put on the

students and the only thing they are focused on (before Keating became a

teacher at Welton) were good grades at school, reached to have satisfied and

pleased parents who pay for the next semester.

But Keating wants to prepare his students for life by teaching them to find their

own personality and that's what why I like this book, too.