engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

Boxing - Original Boxing Rules, Gloves, Ring, Officiating, Deciding the Winner, Training, Stance, Offensive Techniques, Defensive Techniques, Amateur boxing, Professional boxing, Health and safety

BOXING            I INTRODUCTION   Boxing, fistfighting sport between two matched combatants wearing padded gloves. A boxer’s primary aim is to land as many blows as possible to the head and torso of the opponent, using strength and speed to dominate the contest. One of the olde ...

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus (1451 – 1506) Genoese navigator in the service of Spain, credited with the discovery (1492) of America. Though the Vikings are believed to have previously landed (c1000) in North America, it was Columbus voyage that opened the great epoch of European exploration and colonization in the New World. Columbus became ...


 CLOTHING & HAIR STYLES IN ANCIENT ROME The very early Romans wore a toga. It looked like a white sheet 9 yards long. Togas were arranged very carefully, in a stylish way. Togas fell out of style rather early. (The toga was inconvenient, and people felt the cold when they wore it.) To get anyone to wear them, even very early emperors ha ...

EARLY ENGLISH LIFE AND CUSTOMS - The joys of the hall, Kings and thanes, Churls and thralls

 EARLY ENGLISH LIFE AND CUSTOMS       It is difficult to find out about the lives of ordinary people in the early English kingdoms. Monks who kept historical records usually wrote only about kings and churchmen. Even then, most of the kings are just names to us. We usually know the dates of their reigns and battles ...

Elizabeth I - Young Bess, The Dangerous Years, Queen At Last, Gloriana

Elizabeth I (1533-1603) Semper Eadem Always the same   Young Bess Elizabeth's life was troubled from the moment she was born. Henry VIII had changed the course of his country's history in order to marry Anne Boleyn, hoping ...

England - Tower Bridge, Buckingham House, The Tower of London, Oxford, Big Ben

               England (Latin Anglia), political division of the island of Great Britain, the principal division of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England occupies all of the island east of Wales and south of Scotland, other divisions of the island of Great Br ...

Jonathan Swift - Gullivers Travels

    (Summary)   First Voyage (Liliput). Gulliver, ship’s doctor on the Anteope in shipwreked near Van Diemend’s Land (Tasmania) but mananges to make shore, where he falls unconcious. Upon awakening, he finds himself a captive of humans only six in ...

New Zeeland - History, Climate, Culture, Nature

  New Zeeland   History Introduction While New Zealand is a relatively young country, it has a rich and fascinating history, reflecting both our Maori and European heritage. Amazing Maori historic sites and taonga (treasures), some dating back almost a thousand years, are a contrast to many beautiful co ...

Roma - Economy, Agriculture, Industry, Trade, Coinage and Taxes

C Economy   The Augustan Age sparked a major economic revival. The emperor directly controlled coinage, taxation, and his own enormous estates, but otherwise allowed the economy to operate freely, with demand dictating prices and profits. Above all it was the end of civil war that encouraged economic growth. Roman armies could control pi ...

Gramatica - timpuri verbale - past tense, present tense, future tense

   PRESENT SIMPLE Se foloseste prezentul simplu pentru a vorbi despre fapte care sunt in general adevarate si rutine in special cand specificam cat de des. Ex: The planets go round the sun. Venus orbits the sun. Flowers bloom in the spring. Sound travels al 332 metres per second. My father never gets up late I have breakfast ...

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