engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

Climate change and flooding

Climate change and floodingClimate change and flooding:  §         1998 was the warmest year in the warmest decade in the warmest century of the last millenium.   §         In global terms, 2002 was the second warmest year since records began ov ...


Computers   Basic information:   Computing is commonly practised today and in nearly all spheres of life computerization Is on the increase. Computers, mostly PCs, can be found in millions of homes and every major firm makes use of microcomputers , minicomputers and even in some cases, mainframes. All these computers store , proc ...

Condoleezza Rice

Condoleezza Rice     Condoleezza Rice is born in Birmingham, Alabama, on the 14th of November in 1954. This is the time when racial segregation is a big problem in the United States. Her parents are educated, black middle class people: her father is a pastor and her mother a musician and school teacher. Like most of the black middl ...


DEBORAH BLAU  Deborah grew up in the years of the 2nd WW with all the problems. Deborah is a JEW. This fact is of great importance. Everyone thinks that the Americans never had antisemitic thoughts. But little Deborah had to fight against these foughts until she couldn´t take it any longer. So she made herself a world without war a ...

Dingo - wild dog

Dingo The Dingo is not wild dog, he had already lived in Australia for many thousand years before the wild house dog came to Austrlia. People think that the Dingos came with Indian dealers to the fifth continent 4000 to 5000 years ago. Ther are differen theories about the origin and descend of the Dingos. The most acapted theory is that he ...


Dolphins   The big kind of dolphins are the whales. Dolphins live in the sea. Dolphins are mammal, they are powerful swimmer and they swim in groups. They have a trap with globular teeth and a back fin. They are between 1 and 9 meters long and weight 100 kg. Dolphins eat fish, shrimps and crabs. They eat one third of their body weight. Th ...

Ebony and Ivory

Ebony and Ivory Monday, March 08, 2004I want to explain you the signifinication of the song "Ebony and Ivory" written by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder.The song means,we can live like "Ebony and Ivory" in a perfect harmony like it shows in the Text. It shows,too we should learn to live and to give each other what he/she n ...

Educating Rita Summary

Educating Rita Summary Educating Rita summary Rita, a witty, 26-year-old working class British hairdresser who decides to seek an education at Open University. Rita needs a tutor, and she selects Dr. Frank Bryant , an alcoholic college literature professor whose life is a shambles. Divorced, Bryant's new lover is now having an affair with his be ...


Egypt Egypt is situated  in the north east of Africa. Fertile green land along the river nile, big deserts, the coasts of the mediterranean an the red sea and the the beautiful underwater world, these are the different landscapes there. egypt covers an area of about 1.001.049 km² but only 4% of it are habitable and cultivable. More ...

Empire State Building - eseu de 5 minute

Empire State Building The Empire State Building is the main attraction of New York. It was bulild from 1929-1931. The needed 18 months to build it up. With his 381 meter its, since the destruction of the World Trade Center, the highest building in New York. The needed 60000t steel, 100km waterpipeline and 5360km phonecabel for the Empire State B ...

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