engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie


AaliyahToday I will tell you something about Aaliyah, the singer who died 2 years ago. Aaliyah Dana Haughton was born on the 16th of January 1979 in Brooklyn, New York. She had one elder brother named Rashad. Her mother Diane and her father Michael like the meanings of names. Aaliyah means "the highest, the best." When she was 5 she an ...

About a book

First something about the author. He is named James Watson. He is against the war.Most of all he hopes that his readers will share his passion for a good tale, the kind folks told each other around winter fires long ago.  Now to the persons and the introductionThe book is named “TALKING IN WHISPERS” The setting is Chile, some ...

About the Pentagon

About the Pentagon About the Pentagon The Pentagon, headquarters of the Department of Defense, is one of the world\'s largest office buildings. It is twice the size of the Merchandise Mart in Chicago, and has three times the floor space of the Empire State Building in New York. The National Capitol could fit into any one of the five wedge-sha ...

Aldous HUXLEY - Brave New World

Aldous HUXLEY "Brave New World"   "O wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't!" William Shakespeare, "The Tempest" Act V, Scene I   SUMMARY OF CHAPTER VIII & ...

American Dreams2

American Dream American Dream 1.) Catchwords and original meaning 2.) American Dream in the past 3.) American Dream in the present 4.) “Melting-Pot” theory 5.) Frontier spirit 6.) Lee Iacocca 7.) Madonna Catchwords decribing the American Dream: Industry Temperance Prudence Punctuality Perseverance Contentment Reputation Policy Bettin ...

Assessment of marching

assessment of marching I want to tell you something about the assessment of marching. Nearly every brassband in Austria participate on those assessments. The idea of assessments: The brassband appears in public. It has to present the music as good as it can for the ear. And it has to present the marchmusic in the best formatting for the eye. ...

AUSTRALIA - beautiful land of wonder

AUSTRALIA     beautiful land of wonder      in general   Australia is the world largest island, but the smallest continent.It is 7.7 million sq km big and only 16 million people life their. The Currency is the Australian dollar and the capital is Canberra . Australia is divided into eight federal states : Ne ...


BADMINTON  Professional Badminton isn´t the same as people play it on the street. The different is you play it in a gym on fields and with rules which you must learn.   You can play it on three different positions. ·       The single: you play one against one. ·   & ...

Batchelor Boys - The Young Ones Book

Batchelor Boys - The Young Ones Book This is a book spin-off of the infamous TV serial, written by Ben Elton. Stark (1989) From the backnote of the book.... "Stark has more money than God and the social conscience of a dog on a croquet lawn. What's more, they know the Earth is dying. Deep in Western Australia, where the Aboriginals used ...

Big Brother is watching you

Smart cards, satellites in the service of position detection, the “New York Times” in your home by one click – Informationtechnology gets more and more mundane, but we have to keep an eye on the effect of supervision,because: Big Brother Is Watching You !   In the next few minutes I want to tell you just the essential asp ...

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