engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie


      THE BEATLES     The four Beatles were – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Stars. They were all born in Liverpool. John, Paul and George knew each other at school and played togheter in a guitar-based rock band called: „The Quarrymen in 1959. They were in their late teen ...

The capital and largest city of Romania - Bucharest

     B U C H A R E S T        Bucharest is the capital and largest city of Romania, located in the southeastern part of the country. The city is situated about 65 km north of the Danube River, near Ploiesti, on the banks of the Dimbovita River. Bucharest lies on a generally level plain and, ...

The Eiffel Miracle - The Works Of Alexandre Gustave Eiffel

 The Works Of Alexandre Gustave Eiffel:  The Universal Store “Bon Marche” in Paris, France. The Observatory from Nyssa, France – situated in the Maritime Alps, The Observatory from Nyssa was, when Eiffel finished the construction in 1885, the biggest dome of its kind in the world; Eiffel produced the iron structure o ...

The great artist - Michelangelo

 EARLY LIFE (1475-1504)     The life of the great artist began on the 6th of March, 1475. He was burn in Casentino, Caprese. His parents were Lodovico di Leonardo Simioni and Francesca di Neri di Miniato del Sera. Michelangelo’s first teacher was Francesco da Urbino. He had to teach young Michelangelo gram ...

The Woodstock Music and Art

  The last bedraggled fan sloshed out of Max Yasgur's muddy pasture more than 25 years ago. That's when the debate began about Woodstock's historical significance. True believers still call Woodstock the capstone of an era devoted to human advancement. Cynics say it was a fitting, ridiculous end to an era of naivete. Then there are thos ...


    TIMPURILE VERBELOR      Present tense simple -exprima o actiune obijnuita sau repetata regular. -se fol. adv. : always, usualy, offen, seldom, never. -forma : pt.I, you, we, they-vb.forma1 he, she, it-vb.forma1+s/es Present tense continuos -exprima o actiune in curs de desfasurare in momentul v ...

Tornados, cyclones and hurricanes

Tornados, cyclones and hurricanes      Tornado (Latin tonare, "to thunder"): violent whirling wind, characteristically accompanied by a funnel-shaped cloud extending down from a cumulonimbus cloud. Commonly known as a twister or cyclone, a tornado can be a few meters to about a kilometer wide where it touches the gr ...


      United States (Overview), United States of America, popularly referred to as the United States or as America, a federal republic on the continent of North America, consisting of 48 contiguous states and the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii. The United States is discussed in seven articles: this overview, as we ...

WORLD WAR I - CAUSES OF THE WAR-Nationalism, Imperialism, Military Expansion, Crises Foreshadowing the War, MILITARY OPERATIONS

    I INTRODUCTION  World War I, military conflict, from 1914 to 1918, that began as a local European war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia on July 28, 1914; was transformed into a general European struggle by Germany's declaration of war against Russia on August 1, 1914; and eventually bec ...

William Wordsworth - English poet

William Wordsworth (1770-1850), English poet, one of the most accomplished and influential of England's romantic poets, whose theories and style created a new tradition in poetry. Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland, and educated at Saint John's College, University of Cambridge. He developed a keen love of natur ...

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