Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan


Do you know the movie " space jam"?

Who plays there the leading man?

Michael Jordan was born on the 17th of February in 1963.He started playing basketball when he was young and played although the high school and college. He made his first appearance (apirenz-erscheinung) in 1982 when he scored the decisive (dieseisiff-entscheidenden) basket for his college-team.

In 1984 MJ won the Olympic-gold-medal with the US-BB-Team in LA.

He started playing for the Chicago bulls and immediately took over the lead position as point guard.

In that team, that had been playing bad until he joined them, he was selected "rookie of the year" (best new comer)

In 1987 in his third season MJ scored 37 points per game. More over he was selected MVP(most valuable Player )

In 87/88 he also won the "slam-dunk-contest" at the all-star-weekend once again he was selected MVP.

His flights to the basket earned (gab) him the name Michel "air" Jordan.

People said he played brilliant but that didn't help his team.

Finally in his seventh season (1991) he won thr fist of three consecutive(konsekjutif) NBA-titles with his team Chicago Bulls. In all three finals he was selected MVP.

In 1992 MJ was a part of the US-Dream-team at the olymipicgames in Barcelona

After the 1993 season MJ declared (deklärt-beckanntmachen) he would retire (retaier-zu ruhe setzten-stop playing) from Basketball He didn't have any more motivation after the three NBA-titles .But the killing og his Dad also played a big part .He tried his luck as a Baseball player ,but he never played in the first league (lieg).

At the end of the 94/95 season MJ returned to the bulls.

Form 96 to 98 he and the bulls did once again get all titles and he was selected MVP  in all finals again.

Yet at the highest point in his career he retired a second time . From then on he was the Manager of the Washington Wizards.

In 2001/2002 he got an 2 year contract at the Wizards. But unfortunately they didn't make it to the play-offs

in 2003 at the age of forty MJ retired a third and a final time.