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Graffiti GROUND WORK 1966-71 Graffiti was used primarily by political activists to make statements and street gangs to mark territory. It wasn't till the late 1960s that writing's current identity started to form. The history of the undergr ...

The history of the Statue of Liberty

The history of the Statue of Liberty Why I choose this topic? I choose this topic because I heard very good things about the Statue of Liberty from people who were there. I like it also because it is a very big sign for freedom and so I can learn more about the history of america.   And now I will tell you something about the history of ...

The first European came to Australia

The first European came to Austrailia The first inhabitants of the continent of Australia, the Aboriginal peoples, migrated from somewhere in Asia to Australia about 50,000 to 60,000 years ago. The Aboriginal people walked to Australia across land bridges, and sailed between the islands of Southeast Asia. At that time the sea levels were lower t ...

The first settlers

The first settlers The land was there. Here was room for everybody. It seemed even for the Indians, thenatives who lived there as nomads who moved with the big herds of bisons.In Europa millions of poor and often hungry people heard about this new country. So more and more immigrants arrived, and the cities of the East were getting crowded. Peo ...

The Flying Inn

The Flying Inn (published in the year 1914)   Gilbert Keith Chesterton, English journalist and author, was born in Kensington on May 29 in the year 1874. He was educated at St. Paul´s school, where, at an unusually early age, he gained the Milton prize for English verse. He left school in 1891 with the idea of studying art. But thoug ...

The Great Barrier Reef

the Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef 1) The general things: The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest connected coral reef formation of the world. It`s a garden under the sea. There are 1,500 different kinds of fish. There are also snails and shells. Some shells are danger for people because they are “giftig” The coral reef is v ...

The Greenhouse Effekt

The Greenhouse Effekt The "greenhouse effect" is the warming of climate that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Certain gases in the atmosphere resemble glass in a greenhouse, allowing sunlight to pass into the "greenhouse," but blocking Earth's heat from escaping into space. The gases t ...

The Hispanics In The USA

The Hispanics In The USA   Basic Information not uncommon to hear Spanish spoken in cities the USA ->1950: 4 million U.S. residents were from Spanish-speaking countriesToday: 27 million 50% of Hispanics in the United States have origins in Mexico other 50% come from a variety of countries:       + El Sa ...

The History of the European Union

The History of the European Union   In this Assignment I want to make clear and visible the „red line“ in the History of the European Union, I am not going to make a complete overview of all the treaties and institutions. The Idea of the of a European Union and its development from its beginnings till today should be expl ...

The History of Kenya

The History of Kenya by J.G. and S.P.     The Kenyan people had always been humiliated by several oppressors. The first non-African settlers were the Arabs who arrived on the East-African coast in the 7th century. At first they were attracted by the possibility of trading with animal skin, ivory, and agricultural products, but lat ...

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