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PROJECT - The 10 most important events of the human kind

unteanu Alexandru clasa a VII-a M2  The 10 most important events of the human kind   The Tragic Story of the Titanic  Before the fate of the Titanic, Morgan Robertson wrote a book called The Wreck of the Titan in 1898. The ship predicted "unsinkable" sank. Many lives were lost due to too few lifeboats. This story p ...

Pro-primary and Primary Education - England

Pro-primary and Primary Education.   In some areas of England there are nursery schools for children under 5 years of age. Some children between two and five receive education in nursery classes or in infants classes in primary schools. Many children attend informal pre-school play-groups organised by parents in private homes. Nursery s ...

Reflection on the content and the reference of the Idea of Representation

Reflection on the content and the reference of the Idea of Representation   Review of Vacariu et al.'s Toward a very idea of representation   ..."the debates in Cognitive Science focus on the problem of representation. Unfortunately, these debates regard either representational format(as in the computationalism-connectionism ...


REVIEW OF "UNIFICATION AND EXPLANATION"   1) H&H: no unification is explanation, cause explanation involves acquiring new beliefs, whereas unification consists in the systematization of old beliefs.   2) H&H: Explanation is derivation of the explanandum from a background theory and the auxiliary or contextual inf ...


    SWEET FOURTEEN        In my opinion is a very difficult to speak about this age, as every person thinks differently about this topic. I think that you, as a teacher, gave us this title "Sweet fourteen " for various reasons. When I saw this title I asked myself : "Why sweet? ...


THE AGE OF CHIVALRY     Edward III and his eldest son, the Black Prince, were greatly admired in England for their courage on the battlefield and for their courtly manners. They became symbols of the’’code of chivalry’’; the way in a perfect knight should behave. During the rei ...

The Apollo program

The Apollo program  The Apollo program is the US program to land human beings on the moon. Inaugurated May, 1961, by President J. Kennedy, the program suffered a serious setback in the preparatory phase when a fire broke out in the Apollo 1 space capsule (Jan. 27, 1967) during testing at Cape Kennedy. Three astronauts in the capsule were ki ...

The crisis if king and nobles - The crisis of kingship, Wales in revolt

The crisis if king and nobles     The crisis of kingship   During the fourteenth century, towards the end of the Middles Ages, there was a continous struggle between the king and his nolbles. The first crisis came in 1327 when Edward II was deposed and cruelly murdered. His eleven-year-old son, Edward III, became ...

The discovery of fire

The discovery of fire Human species, origins of Evolution of humans from ancestral primates . The African apes (gorilla and chimpanzee) are shown by anatomical and molecular comparisons to be the closest living relatives of humans. Humans are distinguished from apes by the size of their brain and jaw, their bipedalism, and their elaborate cu ...

The discovery of the telephone

The discovery of the telephone Telephone Instrument for communicating by voice over long distances were invented by US inventor Alexander Graham Bell 1876. The transmitter (mouthpiece) consists of a carbon micro-phone, with a diaphragm that vibrates when a person speaks into it. The diaphragm vibrations compress grains of carbon to a greater ...

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