engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

Air pollution - Environmental protection - What is its effects

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION : AIR POLLUTION When you burn fossil fuel, you’re combining the carbon it contains with oxygen in the air to release heat. However, the process also creates byproducts that are potentially dangerous. In addition, the usual fuels used in transportation, such as gasoline or diesel, aren’t a single ...

Albert Einstein - biography

Albert Einstein   1.WHEN WAS HE BORN ? He was born on the 14th of March 1879.   2.WHERE WAS HE BORN AND DID HE SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE THERE?He was born in Ulm, Germany,but he travelled all around the world and lived also in Munich,Milano,Berlin,Prague,Zurich,Bern and New Jersey.   3.WHY IS HE SO FAMOUS? He is we ...

Algeria officially Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria

Algeria officially Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria, republic of western North Africa; bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea; on the east by Tunisia and Libya; on the south by Niger, Mali, and Mauritania; and on the west by Morocco. Its total area is 2,381,741 sq km (919,595 sq mi). Natural Resources  Most of the natural w ...


  AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE   In a virgin land the art form that developed most rapidly was the one for which the need was most pressing--architecture. The earliest extant buildings are the dwellings, meetinghouses, and churches that made up the nuclei of the first colonial settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts. The dwellings, simple ...

American Peregrine Falcon, Bald Eagle, Gray Bat, Indiana Bat, Ozark Big-Eared Bat, Pallid Sturgeon, Red-Cockaded Woodpecker, Atlantic Salmon, Great White Shark

Endangered Species American Peregrine Falcon  In 1988, at a site now inundated by Greers Ferry Lake, peregrine falcons reared their young. Over a century passed before fledgling peregrines returned to Arkansas. In June 1993, an environmental team flew to Minnesota and picked up five fledgling falcons. These birds were given a new home ...


Angola, formerly Portuguese West Africa, officially Republic of Angola, independent state in southwestern Africa. Angola is bounded on the north and east by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC, formerly Zaire), on the east by Zambia, on the south by Namibia, and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. A small exclave, Cabinda, is located some 30 ...


Antarctica, fifth largest of the earth’s seven continents. The southernmost, coldest, windiest, highest, most remote, and most recently discovered continent, it surrounds the South Pole, the point at the southern end of the earth’s axis. Almost completely covered by ice, Antarctica has no permanent human population. The continent is r ...

Quotes By Muhammad Ali

Quotes By Muhammad Ali       Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. - Muhammad Ali, in "Time", 1978     “me, we”   "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" - Muhammad Ali     "I am the best there is, the best there was, and t ...


Philadelphia Subject: Andrew Beckett is a young and successful lawyer who works for a famous law-office in Philadelphia. One day he is suddenly fired by the senior partners although he is doing his job perfectly. But Andrew knows that he was fired because of his disease. Andrew has AIDS. So he tries to fight against the unfair decision. Main c ...

Presentation Las Vegas

Las Vegas LAS VEGAS  My presentation is about Las Vegas.    THE TOWN  Las Vegas is in Nevada an has about 600000 residents and more than 120000 hotelbeds. Every year visits over 30 million people the glittercity and spend there 6 milliards Dollar for fortune play. Las Vegas belongs to the knowest towns in the world. Las ...

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