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All Dressed in White  THE RECEPTION   Where to hold your reception will depend on several factors, with cost and budget the most important, coupled with how many guests you wish to invite. In addition, you need to consider how much time you can personally spend on organisation. We recommend that you work to an approximate budget p ...

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty! The Statue of Liberty is accepted as a symbol of freedom throughout the world. The Statue of Liberty was designed by Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi. So in 1866 New York got it from France. Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi worked more than 21years of his life to the making of the sight. Lady Liberty, as the statue is sometimes called ...

Study Guide for Dostoyevsky

Study Guide for Dostoyevsky: Notes from Underground     Notes from Underground is one of the most influential pieces of fiction in Western European history. It has attracted attention for many reasons. 1) It contains an all-out assault on Enlightenment rationalism and the idea of progress which foreshadows many such assaults in t ...

Study Guide for Love Poems by Modern Women

Study Guide for Love Poems by Modern Women   Source: Wendy Mulford, ed.: Love Poems by Women. New York: Fawcett, 1991. There are many passages in these poems that I don't claim to understand completely; but try to discern the feelings and patterns they contain even if you can't explain every line. The best way to appreciate most poetry ...

Summary of India

Summary of India is a member of the Commonwealth and together with Pakistan and Bangladesh it builds the   subcontinent of India - India is the seventh  largest country in the world and after China it is the second most populous - its area is about nearly 3,287 square kilometres - the capital is New Delhi and the largest city ...

Supreme Court

Supreme Court   In most courts there is only one judge. In the Supreme Court there are nine judges. These nine judges are called "justices", and together they make decisions about the cases that appear before them. The Supreme Court meets from October till April. In May and June the justices hear no new cases, but meet to make ...


Television In general:   positive negative gives lot of information gives current-affairs news medium to pass the time distraction for children cultural enrichment informs a lot of people at the same time about something • charges can manipulate people neglect of friends and work leads people to laz ...

The Age of the Earth

The Age of the Earth Overview [*]How old is the earth, and how do we know? [*]Common creationist "dating methods" [*]Common creationist criticisms of mainstream dating methods [*]Suggested further reading [*]References   How Old Is The Earth, And How Do We Know? The generally accepted age for the Earth and the rest of t ...

The American Dream

The American Dream - Term “invented” by an American historian during the Great Depression - A concept in history, society and culture - There is no definition of it or rather everybody has his own (complexity and vagueness) - History: o The pilgrims, first settlers, immigrated to America for several reasons: Europe was overcro ...


The AMISCH PEOPLE I will tell you sth. about the Amisch people. It´s a religious group , who have their roots from the anabaptist movement in Europe in the 16.th century. In this time it was usual, that only babys get baptized. But the Amish believed, that only Adults should be beptized, because they can confess their belief. Babys c ...

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