engleza informatiile de care ai nevoie

Referat engleza - Halloween

Halloween        Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday we know as Halloween has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. The holiday originally comes from the Celts, who celebrated New Year on November the 1st and they had to store all the crop ...

Romanian festivals - The Paparuda, The March Amulet, The Legend of March Amulet, Dragaica

11th February 2003  Romanian festivals    Romania has many beautiful festivals and traditions. People have festivals for each season. Here are some festivals that Romanians celebrate in Spring: -The Paparuda "Rain Caller" is the ritual celebrated in Spring on a date that varies from place to place. An ol ...

Romanias Economy - Labor, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Mining, Manufacturing, Energy, Tourism and Foreign Trade, Currency and Banking, Transportation, Communications

Economy of Romania           Before World War II, the Romanian economy was primarily agricultural. In 1948 the Communist government came to power and took control of nearly all aspects of the economy. Through a series of five-year plans, the Communists transformed Romania into an indus ...

THE CHARACTERISTICX OF THE NARRATIVE DISCURSE - The Catcher in the Rye, Everybodys Favourite

THE CHARACTERISTICX OF THE NARRATIVE DISCURSE IN J.D.SALINGER’ S PROSE   In The Catcher in the Rye, the narrative order of the events Holden recounts is changed. The novel is not a formal autobiography, since Holden, the narrator, does not go into “ all that David Copperfield Kid or crap”1, in his story, he insists u ...

The great Piramyds of Giza - The Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), Pyramid of Chephren (Khafre), Pyramid Complex of Menkaure (Mycerinus)

The great Piramyds of Giza        Situated west of the Nile, bordering the Sahara Desert, the Giza plateau rises up in its glory to present its full authority. It is here that an ancient King coordinated a mammoth undertaking exploiting the full value of the looming plateau. Eternal life would surely ...

THE JUDGEMENT DAY - 11th September 2001 - Major Events of Our Century

  Major Events of Our Century   THE JUDGEMENT DAY September 11th 2001   The day of September 11th 2001 will remain as a dark day in history. All people know about this day and what happened at this date. On this day, the terrorism reached its highest point since the beginnings until now and maybe similar events will be gr ...

THE PYRAMIDS - Pyramids in Egypt, The Pyramid Complex, Building a Pyramide, Inside a Pyramide, The Funeral Rite

THE PYRAMIDS     Pyramid (architecture) , ceremonial structures used as tombs or temples that were built by the people of certain ancient civilization , notably the ancient Egyptians , the Aztecs , and the Maya , and certain other ancient peoples of the northern Andean region of South ...

The Yellowstone National Park

The Yellowstone National Park Historic Highlights of the Old Faithful AreaOld Faithful Historic District This designation applies to the developed area adjacent to Old Faithful Geyser, which contains many historic structures. Old Faithful Inn Built during the winter of 1903-04, the Old Faithful Inn was designed by Robert C. Reamer, who want ...

United States - referat engleza

  The territory now part of the United States has been inhabited for from 15,000 to 40,000 years, as attested by local evidence. The aboriginal peoples, ancestral to today's American Indians, left no firm monuments on the scale of contemporaneous cultures elsewhere, but both the pueblos of the Southwest and the great mounds of the Mississip ...

Walter Scott - Ivanhoe

Ivanhoe was published in 1819, a year before Walter Scott would receive his title from King George IV. Ivanhoe was to be his most famous and intriguing that he wrote in his lifetime. It is a tale of adventure, romance, comedy, and chivalry in the days of knights in shining armor. The first passage of Ivanhoe gives the setting for the entire novel ...

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Materiale engleza

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