Scotland · 78.789 square kilometres · 5 Mio. people · English; Gaelic · Gaelic ist still spoken by over 80.000 people · famous for it´s beautiful countryside · 800 scotish islands à Isle of Skye is one of the largest and most beautiful The history · 1707 · the romans tried to conquer à not successful Edinburgh · capital · 433.000 people · east of the country · river forth · centre of business, the law, book production and other industries The three clearly-marked regions Southern uplands:- an area of small towns - land is hilly à better for farming Lowlands (Central plain):- more than 80% of the population of Scotland live there Highlands:- wildest and lonelist part in the nort of Scotland - Ben Nevis (1.343 m high) - numerous small islands off the west coast - climate rough Aberdeen - 210.000 people - third largest city in Scotland - an oil town - oil-rigs in the North Sea - on the east coast - clean beaches Loch Ness - longest lake in Britain - 24 miles long - water very dark - nearly thousand feet deep - there "live" Nessie