The Midlands1

The Midlands

The Midlands 1. geography 2. economy 3. cities of the Midlands ( with some facts about their own history, their sights and something about them in general ) 4. some special men ( who are born in the Midlands ) The Midlands are in the middle of England between the South of England, East Anglia, the North Sea and the North of England as well as Wales on the Westside with the Cambrian Mountains. The climate is mild. There are high precipitation, strong winds and low differences between the temperature in the summer and the winter, at day and at night. The countryside is hilly but this area don't lies very high. In the Midlands is the fountain of the river Themes. One of the region's importance is the fact that the Industrial Revolution began in Iron bridge, a town in the west Midlands. In 1709, iron was smelted with coal being used as the fuel for heating - this paved the way for the use of iron and steel in many sectors of industrial life. In former times the region has lost much of its industry because of the world-wide recession and the too expensive production. Now it is one of the largest industrial areas in the world. The Midlands are very famous for their industries. In the counties Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire are the biggest coal - mines. There are many ironworks, a lot of steel industry, mechanical engineering and cotton - industry. So the Midlands are the centre of gravity of the English metal industry. In England are two Midlands which are called West and East Midland. West Midlands is one of the smallest regionens in Englnd. It has an area of 13000 square kilometres. A big region is used in west and north for agriculture. There is a population of 5,3million people. 80%of them are living in a City. Many cities have important Industries of agricultue Machines, Potterys and carpets. East Midland is not so famous as West Midlands, but it's a beautiful region, where many tourists go there to look for some old churches or something like that. It's a region where the religion plays a big thing. Cities of the Midlands: Birmingham It's an important city because: . Birmingham is the second biggest town and it is a important center of industry and culture in the west Midlands. The city own 1.014.000 inhabitants. . From these people Birmingham is called BRUM. . It′s the largest city of Great Britain after the capital London and one of the largest industry centres world - wide. . Industries are steel, mechanical engineering, car - production for example ROVER, weapons, jewellery and food . The name of Birmingham was draw from the family DE BIRMINGHAM. . This city was already in the year 1538 an industry - city. . Since the 17. Century weapons were built there. . Because of James Watt and his ,,Spinning Jenny' this area had a big economic meaning for a long time. . During the Industrial Revolution Birmingham was the biggest industrial and trade centre of England. . The city has many shopping centres, the Central Library is one of the biggest libraries biggest Shakespeare - compilation out of the USA with 50.000 volumes in 90 languages and a famous Town Hall. It's the musical centre of Birmingham with one of the worlds best organs and it looks like a Roman temple. Oxford . Oxford is a part of the county Oxfordshire. . The city has about 116.600 inhabitants. . It's the oldest and well - known university city in Europe. . In 912 it was first mentioned in a writing. . 1264 the people began to build the first universities. . 1355 there was a big quarrel between the inhabitants and the professional men. . The second women college was built in 1878. . Now the city has 40 different colleges with several courtyards , a chapel, a dining - hall, a library and flats. . The oldest college is Merton. Leicester . Leicester is in the county Leicestershire. . There live 324.400 inhabitants. . It's a modern industry and business centre with a rich past. . The city stand for mechanical engineering and textile industry. . In former times it was a roman town. . From 780 to 896 it was the headquarters of the bishop. . Leicester got his name from earl of Leicester who was the father of the English parliament. . Today you can see the Jew wall the last thing of the roman town, St. Nicolas the oldest church and the clock tower, which was built in 1866. . It's the centre of the city with his big clock tower. Nottingham . Nottingham is the capital of the county Nottinghamshire. . 280.000 people live there. . Sometimes it is called Queen of the Midlands because of his many parks. . The industry city has a long tradition. . The industries are chemistry, textile, machines and vehicles. . It′s important for coal - mines. . The city was one of the first industry cities in England. . Nottingham is famous for the legend of Robin Hood, who lived in the Sherwood Forest. . The city centre is the biggest market-place in England. . Near Nottingham is the oldest tavern England's. Derby . Derby lies in the county Derbyshire. . There live 218.000 people. . It′s an industry city with Rolls - Royce, porcelain, silk and vehicles. . In the 1715 there was the first silk industry. . The first porcelain industry was found in 1751. . The city grew up very fast because of the industrialisation. . Cars were built there since 1902. . Now you can see a lot of shopping centres and the cathedral of Derby with the national park Peak District. William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was borned at April the 26th 1564 in Stratford - upon - Avon in the county Warwickshire. He is still one of the most famous and popular writers of the whole world almost 400 years after his dead.