Citate celebre engleza, spaniola

Citate celebre

(engleza, spaniola)

  • ‘A feather can mould a stone if moved by the hand of love.’

  • ‘A woman is always a mystery: one must be not fooled by her face.’ (E. De Amicis)

  • ‘Devil, don’t you know that you are as beautiful as an Angel?’ (G. Leopardi) 57211vte29imo4d

  • ‘Economized love is never red love.’

  • ‘Everybody want to go to heaven, but nobody want to die!’

  • ‘First to be able to love, than to learn that body and spirit are one.’ (Hugo von Hofmansthal)

  • ‘Friendship is inexplicable, it would not be explained if one doesn’t want to kill it.’ (Max Jacob) tm211v7529immo

  • ‘Hide me inside you, where the sweetest things are hidden, between the roots of roses and spices.’

  • ‘Love, and do what you like.’ (S. Agostino)

  • ‘My friend, let’s no think of tomorrow, but let’s enjoy this feeling moment of life.’ (Omar Kyyam)

  • ‘One kiss breaches the distance between friendship and love’ (Anonim)

  • ‘The kiss, a sweet discovery of oneself after a long search.’ (Anonim)

  • ‘There is no safety-net to protect against the attraction.’ (Shakespeare)

  • ‘When I saw you I feel in love and you smiled because you knew.’ (Arrigo Boito)

  • 'Amar es colocar nuestra felicidad en la feliciad de otro.' (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz)

  • 'Ask me not what I have, but what I am.' (Heinrich Heine)

  • 'Cast your heart before you, then run to catch it!' (Proverb arab)

  • 'El alma del placer reside en la busqueda del mismo placer.' (Blaise Pascal)

  • 'El amor es la mas noble debilidad del espiritu.' (J. Dryden)

  • 'El corazon tiene unas razones que la mente ignora.' (Blaise Pascal)

  • 'Every loved thing is the centre of a paradise.' (Novalis)

  • 'First love's magic is not knowing that it may end.' (Benjamin Disraeli)

  • 'Good luck is not always the work of chance alone.' (Baltasar Gracian)

  • 'I would like to know how many kisses have been given since that day when the kiss was invented' (Iginio Ugo Tarchetti)

  • 'La fortuna no es siempre y completamente obra de la casualidad.' (Baltasar Gracian)

  • 'La magia del primer amor consiste en no saber que este puede terminar. (Benjamin Disraeli)

  • 'Lanza tu corazon hacia adelante y corre a buscarlo.' (Proverb arab)

  • 'Las pasiones don defectos y virtudes solamente si se lleva al extremo.' (Goethe)

  • 'Love is the noblest frailty of the mind.' (J. Dryden)

  • 'Many people live happily without knowing it.'(Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues)

  • 'Nada es dificil para quien ama.' (Cicero)

  • 'No existe otro remedio para el amor sino amar aun mas.' (Henry D.Thoreau)

  • 'No me preguntes que tengo, sino que soy.' (Heinrich Heine)

  • 'Nothing is difficult for those who love.' (Cicero)

  • 'Nunca se desea ardientemente lo que se desea solamente con la razon' (Francois de la Rochefoucauld)

  • 'Passions are faults or virtues only when taken to extremes.' (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

  • 'Que cosa es el placer sino un dolor extraordinariamente dulce.' (Heinrich Heine)

  • 'Quisiera saber cuantos besos fueron dados desde el dia en que los besos fue inventados.' (Iginio Ugo Tarchetti)

  • 'Something desired through reason alone is never passionately desired.' (Francois de la Rochefoucauld)

  • 'The essence of pleasure lies in the seeking of pleasure itself.' (Blaise Pascal)

  • 'The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.' (Blaise Pascal)

  • 'The only cure for love is to love even more.' (Henry D.Thoreau)

  • 'Those are the strong, who laugh with tears; hide their own problems and make others happy.' (Barby Kelly)

  • 'To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another.' (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz)

  • 'Todo objecto querido es ul centro de un paraiso.' (Novalis)

  • 'What is a kiss? The lick of a flame…' (Victor Hugo)

  • 'What is a pleasure, other than the sweetest sorrow?' (Heinrich Heine)